Berliner Initiative

Despite its central location in Europe and its importance within the European Union Germany is still not sufficiently prepared for international interdependence and its growing responsibilities.

Jointly with the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) and the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) the Tönissteiner Group participates in the Berliner Initiative. The aim is to point out the deficits in education, training and personnel policy in Germany to decision makers and the general public. In the context of discussion rounds with experts, support is given to the exchange of experience between decision makers. Eventually practical solutions and recommendations are developed.

Results reports::

Results 2001/ EU
Results 2002/ International Organisations
Results 2003/ German Universities

In preparation of the discussion rounds Tönissteiner used their knowledge and inside view of the situation to prepare research on the German presence inside international organizations.